"Battery Safety Box"


"Battery Safety Box"

A container has been developed that can safely load and transport batteries after using electric vehicles. 
 비에이에너지가 개발한 전기차 사용후 배터리를 안전하게 적재·운반할 수 있는 탈착형 용기 배터리 세이프티 박스.<Battery Safety Box in a detachable container that can safety load and transport batteries after using electric vehicles developed by BA ENERGY>

배터리 세이프티 박스 구조 및 형상.<Battery Safety Box Structure and Shape>

비에이에너지 배터리 세이프티 박스 로고.<BA ENERGY Battery Safety Box Logo>

Article Source 2021.09.12 Electronic Newspaper Gwangju = Reporter Kim Han-sik   https://www.etnews.com/20210910000034